Using materials to create a card for Diwali. Lovely work, Logan!
Umar used all sorts of colourful shapes to create his diwa light. Well done!
Sinead created this independently, carefully selecting what she needed to represent her diwa light. Wonderful!
Katie worked independently and selected what she wanted to use. She decided to add four flames.
We enjoyed using the clay to shape our diwa light. Aut was quite tough so we really used our fingers to work it into the shape we wanted. We are looking forward to deportation them once they have hardened.
Using puppets to support our retelling of the story of Rama and Sita...
We shared the cbeebies version of the story - the one with shadow puppets. This really helped us to understand what happened and the sequence of events.
We took turns to take on the roles of different characters. We did very well indeed!
We have used the puppets during activity time and tried to act out the story with our friends. This has been a real joy to watch!
Bang, pop, whizz, crackle, and BOOM!
Using sound words whilst a mark making for our firework pictures.
And fantastic fireworks!
We used media to make marks whilst using our voices to create sound effects and actions. We pretended to be fireworks using our whole bodies to create shapes and movement too whilst learning about keeping safe on Bonfire Night.