Mark making outdoors
Exploring shadows
What's cooking?
Creating special cards for Easter
Using all sorts of materials to represent our thoughts and ideas
Independent and focused efforts
Using tools with control
Talking about what we are doing
Walking through the Jungle...
I spy....
Developing imagination in play
Building up our own story ideas
Showing care and concern
Developing fine motor skills and concentration levels
Here we are taking part in our dance and movement/ keep fit session with friends
Listening and following instructions
Moving in different ways
Developing spatial awareness and body control
Play developed from a friend's experience at the Barber's
Cooperative play, taking turns to have hair cut at the Barber's
Who is next?
Excellent independent efforts here!
Lovely descriptive language
High levels of creativity
Making chocolate crispy cakes
Turn taking
Exploring what happens to the chocolate...
Developing vocabulary, such as: hard, solid, melt, microwave, heat, change, same, different, wet, dry, set...
Very good listening skills
Physical skills: mixing, pouring, stirring
Mathematical language: more, less, some, lots, enough, count, how many, altogether