Saturday, 17 October 2015

THANK YOU to everyone who joined us at our Maths Workshop

It was lovely to see you all there!

The children gained such a lot from being able to "show and share" all the many things they are doing and learning during their time in nursery!

It is an absolute pleasure being part of your child's unique learning journey and your positive feedback and support is gratefully received.

We hope you enjoyed it! We did! :-)

Photos are on the 'Let's Talk Maths Week' page.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Let's Talk Maths Week!

We are having fun with numbers in nursery...

Showing interest in solving problems
Counting objects in a set and matching numbers

Matching numeral and quantity. Checking how many by counting carefully
Exploring the shape of numerals
Saying and using some number names in sequence

Developing one-to-one correspondence
Matching numerals 

Developing knowledge of numerals through play
Showing an interest in numerals and sets of objects

Recognising some numerals in play

Counting out how many fish caught

Beginning to use some number names in play
How many fish did you catch?
Concentrating and developing awareness of numerals as symbols

Developing counting skills

Exploring shape, space and measures...

In our outdoor area...

Making food in our outdoor kitchen

Sorting out Max's socks

Watch this space for even more marvellous maths!

Wow! Look at this number line. Creating our own number lines with some support

Matching by numeral and quantity

Washing the cars outdoors

Developing understanding of vocabulary linked to size and shape

Sharing out equipment and resources, counting part, e.g. Wheels and using positional and directional language in context (underneath, front, back, top, bottom, side)

Sharing and counting at snack time. Giving out plates, cups, talking about shape, size, counting out fruit and developing understanding of change in quantity. How many left...?

Careful counting out!

Lots of our learning in 'Mathematics' takes place during daily routines as well as during adult led activities and through our own self-initiated play. Adults use a lot of mathematical language within many contexts to aid chikdren's developing understanding of vocabulary related to number, size, shape, space, position and capacity.

Five little monkeys sitting in a tree... (One of our favourite songs) 

Four little ducks went swimming one day...

Developing self confidence and self esteem:-)

Workshop for parents and carers - Thursday morning...

Thank you for your support!

Monday, 5 October 2015

Max's Maths Challenge

Watch this space for Max's Maths Challenge...

Max will have a challenge for us every week. We will need to use our mathematical thinking and ideas to help to solve the problem. We will be encouraged to show others and talk about what we are doing and what we have found out but most importantly, we will have the time to really 'have a go', help each other and learn from each other. These challenges will help us to develop mathematical language in different contexts.

We are wondering what it will be each week...?

Watch this space...

- Sorting out Max's socks was fun!

- Bears on the bus game was tricky. We enjoyed using a dice.

- Playing the bear hunt board game was exciting!

- Spotting and counting the bears (used mark making skills too)

- Pick a puzzle and beat the sand timer challenge... Very popular!

- Creating shape rockets

We're going on a bear hunt...

It has been fun sharing this story.

We have been using some actions and sounds during our retelling. We cannot wait to go to the theatre to see it!

Watch this space...

Here we are using props to help us to develop our storytelling skills. We are trying hard to use language from the story and actions to perform as a group.

We are developing a really good awareness of the story and its structure.

We have performed the story as a group and been on a bear hunt outdoors. Very exciting!

Here we go...
Keep looking! Solving a problem. Does it fit? What is happening in the picture? What happens next? Where does it go? Using language from the story. Excellent!

What a team! Well done! You really kept trying! Thumbs up:-)

We are acting out the story together using story language and actions. Fantastic!

We went on a bear hunt outside too!

Look at the cave...!

Great teamwork!

Splash, splash through the water...

Can you see the grass, mud and snowstorm?

We had fun making this den!

Brown bear, brown bear...

Have you seen our fantastic art work linked to this story?

We have really enjoyed sharing this book and have used some signing for colours and animals during our group reading.


Look at how we have changed...!

It has been fun looking at photos of us when we were babies and seeing if we can work out who is who.

We talked about how we were and what we can do now.

We have created some lovely pictures of us 'now'.

Can you work out who is who?

Come and see our display in the classroom.