Thursday, 21 January 2016

Yo ho, ho, a-pirating we go!

We have been learning some pirate rhymes and songs to improve use of key vocabulary and to help develop our counting skills.

Using resources to develop our vocabulary and imagination in play

Lots of turn taking and communication re: needs and ideas

Super sharing here!

Come and see our hats and telescopes. We used cutting and mark making skills. We tried hard to name some 2D shapes and talked about what we could see.

Pirate talk for writing

Pirate faces

All aboard!

Scrub the decks!

We have played this game on our big brig outside too!

Walk the plank

Climb the riggin

Hoist the flag...

Putting the boats in the water - developing careful counting skills

Enjoying sharing the story about Pirate Pete's adventures...

And doing so independently!

Team work and perseverance. Developing awareness of symbols and quantity, following instructions, working with others and gaining confidence

High levels of involvement involved here in block play. Robots, houses and boats! Fantastic!

Exploration and use of size and space - collaborative play developed too

A perfect picnic! Sharing out the plates, cups and food. Sharing ideas and resources - well done!

Terrific treasure chests!

Hunting for treasure and numbered coins

Hunting for treasure chests outdoors too!

We are keen to make marks to represent numerals:-)
Wearing our pirate hats, we boarded our ship, set sail and went on our adventures indoors...
And... Outdoors!
Making plans

Exploring objects and magnets
Using props to develop our imagination and talk for writing
Wow, super pirate face!
Decorating our treasure chests!
Making treasure maps and ascribing menacing to marks made

Welcome back!

Hope you had an enjoyable break!

Children are settling in really well.

We are looking forward to welcoming new friends:-)