We have been sharing our favourite books during nursery sessions. We have taken to turns to talk about a special book we like. We have used mark making to draw and write about it.
We invited parents/ carers to come and read with us. We hope you will be able to join us next time!
Some of us have brought our special books from home to share in nursery.
We are becoming more competent when talking about the front cover, page, picture, letter sounds and whole words.
We have been learning about and using vocabulary to talk about:
Type of book e.g. Story, information or poetry
We have enjoyed sharing the story about The Gingerbread Man. We have used props to support re telling skills and have been using the story language in different contexts.
We are looking forward to sharing other Fairy Tales too.
Many of us recognise our own names and are noticing letter sounds in our names and other words. We are trying hard to clap rhythms in words, join in with repeated refrains and listen to stories with increasing attention and recall.
Thank you for your support re choosing and sharing books at home. It is lovely to hear that more children are visiting the local library too.