Friday, 27 June 2014


Here we are all set to get...DIGGING!

We are all set in our wellies. Thank you for the donations!

We are excited to start creating a space for digging!

Fabulous teamwork friends!

Mrs D is helping lots and lots!

We think it might be ready now.

Look what we found during our big dig...

Can you spot two wiggly worms, a centipede and a lovely ladybird?

We took them inside to show everyone and then we let them go back to their natural surroundings.
The "ladybird go up and fly home!" (as described by a friend).

Thursday, 26 June 2014


Many of us are very interested in dinosaurs and we have decided as a class that it would be great to change our role play area into a 'Dinosaur Den'.

We have enjoyed using toys in our outdoor learning and are keen to be even more imaginative when we are indoors!

Dinosaurs having a splash!

We are thinking about how we can create a den inside too.

Some of our ideas so far:

Zaviyar: "We need bones and fossils."

Mylo: "We need footprints, don't we?"

"Leaves and trees"


"Pictures and books"

"Dinosaur toys"

Hermione - "A cave"

Any more ideas?

Miss L: "You could use clay and make your own fossils."

Miss B: "We could go on a Dinosaur Hunt...!"

Mrs H: "We could use our dinosaurs to make footprints."



We're off exploring...

Camping out in Dinosaur Land...

What can you hear?

What can you see?

Off on an adventure with the dinosaurs!

After exploring in the den, we are using our imaginative play as a stimulus for our mark making and will be writing our own postcards from 'Dinosaur Land'.

Watch this space...


Super sports continued...

Jump like a frog race

Egg and spoon

Bean bag on head
Football with friends!
Developing control and awareness of safety when travelling
Balancing and gaining control

We have used our equipment to help us to be active. We have been learning and using words, such as: move, travel, balance, slow, fast, turn, back, forward, next, after, jump, hop, stamp, tiptoe, run, walk...

And "Ready, steady, go!"

Friday, 20 June 2014

Sports Week

Watch this space...

Lots of sporty fun this week!


Number run and obstacle course: First we explored outdoors, running to the numbers and on arrival we tried to do actions, such as: 3 jumps, 4 stomps, 10 claps etc

Then we followed the numerals in order, balancing, climbing and travelling around, over and along equipment, taking a turn. We had to listen carefully to instructions. Some of us helped others too.

Look at us racing to get to number 6!

Balancing a bean bag on our head, moving in different ways; aiming at a target, throwing action and catching...

Children's comments:

"I liked that!"                "Can I do it?"                

"That was good."

We also joined in a session of 'dough disco'!

We went into the hall and each of us had a small ball of dough to squish, mould, pat and squeeze whilst copying a range of actions and movements whilst listening to music. Lots of listening and concentrating required. We did so well! This activity helps develop our fine motor skills through manipulating the dough as well as our gross motor skills through using movements which will help develop skills needed for writing.

So much fun!

Dough Disco!

We also enjoyed listening to and beginning to learn some sporty songs!


Mini-races (egg and spoon, beanbag on head, jumping and running race)
Sticky Kids Music and Movement


We used a range of small apparatus and practised our throwing and catching skills. We played a number game in small groups where we had to match the numerals, try to name them and run to each as quickly as we could. We tried to do different actions, such as: turns, star jumps, finger tapping, dinosaur stomps and jumps on arrival. we really enjoyed number games outside and tried really hard!

Some of us tried hard to think about number rhymes: Where have you gone?, number one; Boo! It's number two; I went down the slide: whee!, number three; knock on the door, number four; I did a dive, number five; It needs a fix, number six; I went to Devon, number seven; Don't be late, number eight; I feel fine, number nine; Do it again, number ten!

We also made marvellous medals and are looking forward to our celebration ceremony on Friday. I think we will be getting a certificate too!


We had a mini-sports day today. We all joined in and cheered each other on. Look at our excellent efforts..

Maths outdoors

We are developing our problem-solving skills through exploring measures.

here we are cooperating, turn taking, moving and handling, talking, concentrating and learning from each other.

We are using vocabulary: fill, tip, pour, full, empty, more, enough, lift, hold, heavy, light, some, lots, up, down, fast and slow when experimenting and managing the space and tools.

Negotiating resources and space. Trying hard to express our thinking and ideas.

Lots of cooperation and turn taking skills developing here. Well done, morning friends!

We added props to support our play alongside exploring and being active. Such high levels of engagement!

See Sports week too for lots of learning linked to numbers!

Journeys and transport topic

We have enjoyed sharing the story about the train ride and the magic train ride. We have been developing our ideas and imaginative play linked to the stories and are using them to support us in expressing our ideas through movement, dance, singing and music.

We have made magic tickets and are pretending to visit different lands...

You can see some of us aboard the train...

We're going to the jungle and dinosaur land!

Fantastic work on journeys!

We have used paint to represent our thinking and talking about our journeys from where we live to nursery. We thought about what we see and hear on the way. Our mark making skills are really improving!

Our fantastic work from home. We shared our efforts during group time. Thank you to our grown-ups at home who helped us!

More journeys from home to school...

Adults recorded what we said. We are getting better at describing and explaining things. Well done, friends!

This is our car wash.

Using resources to develop our imaginative play and physical skills.

Look at Musa's super tractor!