Thursday, 24 November 2016

Even more rhyme time fun!

We have been rhyming so much!

We have changed our reading area and added all sorts of things...

We are using the resources with increasing independence now. 

It's lots of fun in here. I wonder what's in the box...?

Busy bees:-)

Super stars!

Setting off up the hill (Grand Old Duke)

Singing and using props to play out a favourite rhyme or two

Working together 

We have made all sorts of props to help us to sing an d act out the rhymes.

Look at our amazing art work!

We have been playing the rhyming game. We listened carefully to the clues and tried hard to find the pairs of words that rhyme.

Well done! What a team!

We have had items from one of our most recent favourite stories in the sand: Pass the Jam, Jim. This is an excellent story to help us develop an awareness of rhyme.

Representing our favourite characters

We have been making our own music.

Our favourite nursery rhyme characters and why...

Our art work for the whole school reading display...

Very proud of ourselves!