Nursery Rhyme Week has been lots of fun so far! It is helping us to develop our listening, language and early reading skills even further. We have also been exploring the sounds and meanings of new words, developing and improving our vocabulary skills. Super effort!
We are learning new rhymes and other verses to some of the rhymes we know already. We are using actions, movement, dance and art to express ourselves and develop understanding and skills. It is fun finding out what is inside each box. Can you remember which rhyme is inside the box number 3?
Look at us all! How many different Nursery Rhyme characters can you spot?
Well done everyone! Such superb characters!
Learning the words to new rhymes...
Doctor Foster
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Incy Wincy Spider
Hey Diddle Diddle
Two Little Dickie Birds
We had three extra spiders here today!
The Grand Old Duke of York...
Up to top of the hill...
And he marched them down again
Half way up...
We had our very own Grand Old Duke too!
Using props to support our learning of new rhymes
Watch out for the puddle Doctor Foster!
It's right up to your middle!
We're not going to Gloucester again!
We have been making umbrellas. "Up, up, up go umbrellas!" We have been singing other songs about the rain too! Which is your favourite?
Incy Wincy Spider sequencing pictures activity
Baa baa ... red sheep
Baa baa rainbow sheep
Wow, so many sheep!
Hey Diddle Diddle...
We are taking turns to be the different characters.
It is lots of fun being the dish (running away with the spoon).
Horsey horsey, don't you stop!
Watch this space for more updates!
Happy Rhyming!
We worked together to act out the rhyme.
We took turns to fix Humpty.
"Hip hip hooray. Humpty is okay!"
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall"
Oh no! He had a fall!
"All the king's horses and all the king's men...
Couldn't put Humpty together again..."
"Along came ...with some glue ...put him back together as good as new"
We took turns to be the different characters in the nursery rhyme.
We used the parachute indoors because the weather was not too good today.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Crack! Ouch!
All the king's horses...
Along came...with some glue
All fixed now. Hooray!
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