Tuesday 20 May 2014

Even more fun at the farm...

We spent time in the play area and had rides on the tractors. We pretended to be busy farmers!

It was fun getting the chance to stroke some small animals. We listened carefully and thought about which animals had fur and which had feathers.
Very brave feeding the llama. Look how carefully we had to hold out our hands and let them eat the carrots.
Taking turns to stroke the little lamb. She was quite wriggly. Her mummy was a bit worried about where she had gone. She felt very warm and woolly. 
This little chick was not very old. Lots of us really liked the chick.
Is this Makka Pakka or Iggle Piggle? We liked their names.
We could go into the donkey pen and stroke them if we wanted to. This was great fun!
Fudge the guinea pig was so soft. He really liked cuddles.
Look how gentle we are! Well done, friends!

If you look really carefully, you will be able to see some baby rabbits. They were only a few weeks old.
Here's Kylie again. She was very popular - one of our most favourites!
This donkey was very hungry.
Here we are with the donkeys!
We tried to think of a name for this baby rabbit. It was very cute and so soft.
Two little lambs. We thought that they must be friends.
This donkey is quite old. I think its name was Scrumpy Jack.
Wow! This is fun!
Another busy farmer...
There's that cheeky rabbit again!
A baby duckling. We looked at its webbed feet and its soft feathers and found out that its feathers are waterproof.

We learned so much at the farm and have been talking about it so much since. We have shared our blog and the photos have helped us to recall and relive past experiences. It has also helped us to think harder and answer questions, such as: how and why.

We are planning to make animal masks and pretend to be farm animals indoors and outside... 

We will also add our photos to our board in the cloakroom for you to see, ask us about and please add your comments.

We are also hoping to plan a picnic and maybe 'bring an animal soft toy'. More details soon...

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