Monday 16 June 2014

Fun with Phonics

Exploring letters and the sounds they make.

As well as looking at and trying to say the sounds in our own names, we have been spotting and learning about 's', 'a' and 't'. We have been using ICT to help us as well as singing, playing games and sorting objects. Some of us found extra objects that begin with these sounds during our independent learning.

When out and about, see what you can spot. Can you hear and say the initial sound in the word? 

Play "I spy...". How many things can you find?

We play in the sand (inside and outside).

Lots of us now know what an 'anchor' is!

We like singing the song "Ants, ants, ants on my arm..."

Mariam found a 'truck'. Super!

Ammaar found a 'train'. Well spotted!

Musa made a 'tractor' using the play dough. Fantastic!

Zaviyar and Ella know lots of the letter sounds and their names too!

Great remembering friends!

As well as sharing stories, learning songs and rhymes and playing games linked to the alphabet, letters and the sounds they make, we are enjoying learning about the meanings of new words, such as: astronaut, submarine and anchor.

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