Tuesday 21 July 2015


We enjoyed a visit from 'Zoo Academy'!

We learnt about, observed closely and had the opportunity to stroke and handle the creatures if we wanted to.

Meet Colin the Hissing Cockroach...

Pedro the Giant Millipede...

The Giant Lime Green Stick Insect...

The Leaf Stick Insect...

And introducing... Pendulum, the Chilean Rose Tarantula...!

Bouncy Castle time!

It's fun day!
Party snack
Who is at Nursery?
Spiders, stick insects and butterflies...
Well done Morning friends. You were so brave and listened very well. Excellent! 
Miss B and Ms J

Very excited...
So gentle
A bit tickly
How does it feel?
Very cold and slimy
It's tickling me
He has 250 feet!
Great team work!
Can I hold it?
Lots of giggles
Very brave
This is amazing!
Ted liked it too.
It really did look like a leaf.
What is that on your head?
He has eight eyes.

Very careful

Stay still
Watch out!
Well done!

You did it!
So brave!

Bouncy castle time!


We have had a fun day!

Time for a snack!

Such a fun-filled day for all!

Thank you to everyone for your help and especially to Zoo Academy! Such a memorable experience for all!

Well done!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nursery

    What a fantastic day you all had, I thought you were all brave putting a spider on your head. Well done to the teachers who were also very brave.
    You saw a lot of different animals.
    Which was your favourite?

    Ms Wilding
